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Master ChatGPT for Course Creation with the Art of Prompting

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Meet our Experts

Dr. George Veletsianos, Chairman of Innovative Learning & Technology at Canada Research, and LearnWorlds co-founders will show you how to master the art of prompt engineering to create engaging courses.
George Veletsianos, PhD
Professor, Researcher, Learning and ID consultant
Panos Siozos, PhD
CEO & Co-Founder at LearnWorlds
George Palaigeorgiou, PhD
CPO & Co-Founder at LearnWorlds

Revolutionize your course creation process with AI

Don't miss out on this opportunity to unlock the potential of conversational AI using prompt engineering to transform your course development. Watch now and be part of the revolution!

1: Create learning objectives

Use ChatGPT to produce specific and measurable learning objectives.

2: Engage learners

Use ChatGPT to make appealing and captivating courses.

3: Add creative elements to a course

Use ChatGPT to diversify your instructional materials.

4: Create courses rapidly

Use ChatGPT to quickly create new and more courses.

5: Build courses that appeal to new audiences

Use ChatGPT for courses that attract more people.

6: Build rich and effective assessments

Use ChatGPT to make sure your learners succeed!