A New Day

Try LearnWorlds free for 30 days. No credit card required.

Ground-breaking Features Delivered

Get ready for an epic New Day with supercharged new features.

Tag Manager

Control tag usage across your school in one place. Create, rename, merge, delete and track tags with a click.

Mass Emails

Communicate with your audience at scale and deliver updates that your learners shouldn't miss. Segment and send messages in bulk to keep everyone informed.

Artificial Intelligence

With the assistance of AI, we break the barrier of blank pages and empower you to effortlessly edit text, create assessments, and unleash your creativity.

New eBook Builder

Enjoy seamless, AI-powered content creation, professionally designed templates, interactive widgets, and a vast array of building blocks.

Multiple Schools

Expand your online academy with multiple schools, repackaging and redistributing your expertise to meet the diverse needs of your client.

User Groups

Manage your users, streamline enrollments, control access and empower group managers like never before.

New mobile App Builder

Design your school's app with total freedom. Build unique layouts using sections, widgets, and take advantage of advanced branding options.


Create tailored flows for your school by using the triggers, conditions, and actions that your audience has taken.

Meet our stellar team

Watch our Co-founders and the Product Team as they showcase all the latest updates on LearnWorlds at this explosive product event.
Panos Siozos
CEO & Co-Founder
George Palaigeorgiou
CPO & Co-Founder
Eliza Cani
Learning Designer Expert
Artemis Karadimas
Customer Success Expert
Brett Hamilton
Customer Success Expert
Georgia Kontesidou
Product Manager
Try LearnWorlds free for 30 days. No credit card required.