Course Creation & Design

AICC vs SCORM: How to choose the best 

Read time: 5 min

In the elearning world, both AICC and SCORM standards are used for creating, sharing, and tracking elearning courses within learning management systems of choice. They are both used to guarantee interoperability and provide compatible educational content. Yet, they will each be more suitable for specific requirements so they can’t really be used for the same exact goals.

In this guide, we are looking into the AICC vs SCORM debate, explaining what is AICC and SCORM while exploring their history, strengths, and weaknesses. We also look into the key differences between AICC and SCORM to help you compare the two and make an informed decision when it comes to choosing your SCORM-compliant or AICC LMS. By the end, you will know which standard best aligns with your organization’s elearning needs.

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Key takeaways

What is AICC?

AICC – Aviation Industry CBT (Computer-Based Training) Committee is one of the very first standards used in elearning. It was initially developed in the early 1990s for aviation training and later used for the first web-based training protocols.

The AICC standard has played a crucial role in shaping the early protocols for online learning and elearning interoperability. Since then though, AICC elearning protocols have evolved and got taken over by other industries as AICC is simple to use and can be easily connected to many LMS solutions.

How does AICC work?

AICC works through HTTP-based messages that communicate between your AICC-supported learning management systems (via AICC compliance in LMS) and your training materials.

Unlike SCORM, which typically requires all learning content to be hosted within the LMS, AICC lets you keep course learning materials up on any external server. This setup uses HACP (HTTP AICC Communication Protocol), enabling the AICC LMS to send and receive data about learner progress, course completion, and scores.



What is SCORM?

SCORM (Shareable Content Object Reference Model) is one of the most popular elearning standards and it focuses on content packaging and interoperability across multiple LMS platforms. SCORM has multiple versions, with SCORM 1.2 and SCORM 2004 being the most widely used.

How does SCORM work?

SCORM packages content into a ZIP file format known as a SCORM or content package. These reunite all necessary resources, such as HTML, JavaScript, and multimedia files. When uploaded into an LMS, SCORM lets you track learner interactions, progress, and quiz results.

💁 Using an authoring tool simplifies the process of packaging digital content into SCORM-compliant formats.



AICC vs SCORM: The key differences

To determine the best fit for your own elearning content needs, it’s essential to understand the core differences between AICC and SCORM. Below is a detailed AICC and SCORM standards comparison:

While AICC has historical significance, especially in aviation, its relevance is waning due to outdated protocols. SCORM, on the other hand, remains the industry standard for elearning interoperability but faces challenges from emerging technologies like xAPI.

Understanding how online learning content interacts with LMS platforms through these standards is crucial for effective eLearning implementation.

Either way, your choice from SCORM vs. AICC in training systems should align with your organization’s current and future elearning goals.

Final thoughts

So when should you choose each?

AICC remains a good option if you are in the aviation space or manufacturing industry where AICC is widely supported and still trusted. It’s important to remember that it requires you to host content on external servers for centralized management so you will need to look into a complimentary solution for this.

SCORM is ideal for any organization (regardless of industry) that requires advanced tracking of performance data and reporting capabilities. It’s also a great addition if you are planning on using interactive and multimedia-rich content for your training programs. Adhering to these standards ensures that your online courses are compatible with various LMS platforms.

Ready to improve your learning experience? Choose a SCORM-compliant LMS to unlock faster course delivery, better data security, and advanced tracking.

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Is SCORM outdated?

SCORM is still relevant and widely used. Newer standards though like xAPI (Tin Can) offer more advanced tracking and flexibility, making them better suited for modern elearning needs. SCORM is ideal if you want to ensure your elearning course integrates easily with an LMS and tracks completions and scores.

What is the difference between SCORM and AICC?

SCORM uses a JavaScript-based API to enable real-time communication between the LMS and the content, allowing for detailed tracking of learner interactions and progress. In contrast, AICC uses HTTP-based communication via URL requests, enabling content to be hosted externally but offering more limited tracking capabilities compared to SCORM. Both standards play a crucial role in how a learning management system interacts with elearning content.

What does AICC stand for in LMS?

AICC stands for the Aviation Industry CBT (Computer-Based Training) Committee, which developed early standards for elearning in the aviation sector. Its elearning specification works with an LMS by using HTTP-based communication, where the LMS sends and receives data through URL requests to track learner progress and manage elearning content hosted externally.

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Alexandra Cote

Alexandra Cote is a SaaS growth marketer and online instructor who's worked with dozens of brands in the MarTech, HR tech, and productivity space. She's also a strong supporter of staying happy at work and choosing a healthy career path.