Customer Education

The Customer Education Experts Directory

Since the outbreak of the global pandemic, customer education has become a hot topic of discussion, and for a good reason. Recent research findings collected by Intellum (2019),…
Business Growth

eLearning for Nonprofits: The 7 Most Important Features Your LMS Should Have

Technology is changing the nonprofit sector. eLearning has made it easier than ever before for nonprofits of all sizes – from small local organizations with just a few…
Coaching & Consulting

Make Money Selling Coaching Online: Your Guide to Success

As a coach, you must have given tons of advice to your clients: how to be happier, healthier, successful entrepreneurs, better parents… you name it. Now it’s your…
Product Updates

Introducing Custom User Roles: The Smarter Way To Collaborate for Your Online School

Tailor your school to your organization, scale when you decide, and streamline every collaboration. How? LearnWorlds Custom User Roles make it easy to grant access to your school…
Product Updates

How to Sell Online Courses with Payment Plans

Payment plans, or installments, break a larger payment into smaller ones at regular intervals. It’s a great way to offer high-ticket courses to an audience that wouldn’t otherwise…
eLearning Strategies

10 Ways To Increase Participation In Your Online Course

Good news! Your course is live, and you have already secured a few enrollments. But, learners don’t return to complete your online course. Why is this happening and,…
Business Growth

100+ Top Tools & Resources for Course Creators

Arthur C. Clarke once said, Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. And, I couldn’t agree more! As an online instructor, you need to decide what kind…
Course Selling & Marketing

30 Popular Ideas to Help You Promote Your Online Course

As an edupreneur, investing in marketing to reach out to potential customers (aka your prospective learners) and to nurture your existing learners is vital for your business. With…
Business Growth

How To Become a Life Coach Online: 5 Steps to Success

Almost certainly you are reading this because you're interested in pursuing a life coaching career. And why wouldn't you? It's a gratifying full-time career that allows you to…
Course Selling & Marketing

Successful Email Sequences to Boost Your Online Course in 2024

Email is a necessary tool that helps online businesses attract and nurture new leads that can result in more sales. Email sequences couldn’t be too far away from…
Customer Education

Product Education: Transform Your Users Into Experts (Quick Guide)

As an entrepreneur, you're aware that educating people on the use of your product (be it a tangible product, service, or software) is a tactic that can bring…